The picture below this sentence shows the alluvial/fluival Wasatch Fm, underneath the whitish-tannish lacustrine/fluival Green River Fm.
The Green River (in the pic below) has done yeoman's work in Wyoming, having eroded down through much of the sediments, exposing these strata for study. I plan to acknowledge the river in the dissertation, so don't worry.
Here's some more of the red Wasatch Fm, with some of the overlying Green River Fm exposed.
Just to show some Mesozoic love, here is some of the shoreline sandstones of the Ericson Ss, exposed a little to the east of Rock Springs.
And speaking of the Mesozoic, here is the Rock Springs Airport, sitting on a resistant turbidite of the Cretaceous Baxter Shale, as we come in for a smooth landing.
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