Field work in Egypt was incredibly fun and challenging, and has given me plenty of things to think about (and, by extension, eventually blog about). Working over the data we collected, and planning out the papers that need writin' is the first order of business, though once that is all lined up, I'll be able to share more details about the geology with the
FIRST and foremost, however, let me tell you guys this: The Wadi Hitan UNESCO World Heritage Site is gorgeous, and the geology... she is how you say? Rad.
The picture above is maybe a ten minute walk from the front on the Park, and nicely captures the wind-eroded look of the terrain.
Seriously, rad pretty much describes it.
Everyone should put this spot on their "To Visit" list immediately, probably up there in the top ten, honestly.
Anyway, we'll try and get back into a more reasonable posting schedule in the next few days. And happy 2009!
great pics, I look forward to hearing about these rocks, they look beautifully exposed
Hey, welcome back. I was starting to consider passing around the hat to buy you out of some Saharan slave camp, but considering the financial situation we probably could have only hoped to scrounge enough to cover a tall boy.
But since you're alright, never mind.
Nice to see you back in action. Keep a watch for the Accretionary Wedge for February, it looks like a great entry.
Welcome back! Neat pics. Yeah, rad.
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